

    Pierced Steel Planking: the gates of the war

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  • Bibliography and Links  



    The 485th Bomb Group Association reunites the Veterans of the Unit in Venosa during the war and have an official website with all the data concerning the history of the Bomb Group, the list and the photographs of the crews, the lists of K.I.A.:
    (precise bibliography: http://www.485thbg.org/Publications.htm.)
    Many thanks, in particoular, to Mr. Jerry Whiting, historian of the 485th Bomb Group Association, for his precious help and for allowing images and photos used in this website. 
    In order to understand the human events of the airmen, and to honour one for all the men of the 485th Bomb Group who gave their life in war, it's recommended a visit to the webpage 
    Many thanks to Mr. Terry Boettcher for his kind collaboration and for his contribution of useful data to the search. 
    Sy Weinstein, Reconnaissance and Recollection, Military and Civilian Photographs from World War II, Bnai Zion Hoouse, New York, 26.10.2003-12.12.2003; National Museum of American Jewish Military History, Washington D.C., 4.3.2004;
    MIKE ADAMS, 15th Army Air Force WWII, in http://www.savemypc.com ;
    PAUL CANIN, Some World War Memoirs, in http://www.merkki.com/caninpaul.htm .
    About, in general terms, the 15th USAAF and the 205 Group RAF,
    other information are available on:
    Of the several websites concerning the Units of  the 15th USAAF in Italy, it's recommended to view the 456th Bomb Group's website located at Stornara:  http://www.456thbombgroup.org
    This website contains a number of photos and data regarding the life in the air force base, certainly in living conditions similar to Venosa, and moreover two sections concerning the airmen Harold "Red" Kempffer, taken in the 485th Bomb Group airfield and in Venosa town: http://www.456thbombgroup.org/kempffer/kempffer1html
    Data partially concerning Venosa also in: 
    http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~gregkrenzelok/Joseph%20Military.html (Joseph Military Record) dedicated to the soldier Joseph Krenzelok, who served in the Pantanella airfield. 
    Interesting, on the official website of Manduria Municipality, the initiative about the 450th Bomb Group's airfield: http://guerre.manduria.org/bombgroup/bombgroup.htm.
    Data about the PSP material, used in the building of the 15th USAAF's airfields, in:
    Landing Mat Development at WES, by Michael B. Robinson, in http://www.freepages.familyrootsweb.com
    Data about crashed airplanes in: www.AviationArchaeology.com.





    Texts, photos and images of newsletter Bomb Away used with permission of the 485th Bomb Group Association


    Pierced Steel Planking: the gates of the war
    HOME Pierced Steel Planking: the gates of the war 15th USAAF, Airfields  in Apulia
    Thanks to the 485th BG Vets First contact Old ties
    Mount Vulture, Old Sawtooth Life at the Venosa Airfield during World War II  The kids of Venosa and the airmen
    Bombs Away, the magazine With the eyes of the children 2008: impressions
    2008: return to the base Bibliography & Links INFO
    Search and texts: Pasquale Libutti   rapacidiurni@gmail.it       Page connected to www.storiedelsud.altervista.org